Understanding Python Class Initialization and Function Arguments

Understanding Python Class Initialization and Function Arguments

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Python Function Arguments: *args and Keyword Arguments

In Python, *args collects extra positional arguments into a tuple. Named parameters like dim=None, KT=None, etc., must be specified as keyword arguments when *args is used.

    def func(*args, dim=None, KT=None, alpha=None):
        # function body

Is Using *args Before Named Parameters a Good Idea?

It offers flexibility but can also introduce complexity. If you decide to use this pattern, make sure to document your function thoroughly.

Initializing a Python Class with Keyword Arguments

You can enforce the number of keyword arguments passed to a class constructor by using the **kwargs feature, and then checking its length.

    import sys

    def round_to_3sf(value):
        # Your rounding logic here
        return value

    class HO_Class:
        def __init__(self, system, **kwargs):
            if len(kwargs) != 1:
                print("provided incorrect number of variables")

            self.system = system
            system.om = round_to_3sf(kwargs['om'])

To initialize an instance of this class:

    class System:
        def __init__(self):
            self.om = None

    my_system = System()
    ho_instance = HO_Class(my_system, om=5.0)
