
Addiction is defined as not having control over doing, taking or using something to the point where it could be harmful to you.

Why is it bad?

  1. There are reward circuits in the brain to keep us healthy and motivated and make us do the right thing. Flooding the reward cycle with artificial stimulus will simply derail the algorithms in the brain.
  2. Since the artificial supply of a substance of abuse is literally unlimited in amount, one's brain can go in the autopilot loop of seeking the reward. This leads to reduced level of cognition, where a brain that can do so much more is just busy pushing the red dopamine button again and again. Wake up.

Some causes:

  1. Not having a 'rewarding' enough (social) life, one may try to get the same rewards from artificial means.
Some ways to break the addiction:
  1. Make the substance of addiction hard to get.
