Vim issues

How to save edits in vim in terminal?

To save edits in Vim in the terminal, follow these steps:

1. First, you'll need to be in command mode. If you're in insert mode (where you're able to type text into the file), press `Esc` to return to command mode.

2. Then, type `:w` and press `Enter`. The `:w` command writes (saves) the file.

If you want to save and quit at the same time, you can use the command `:wq` instead. If you want to quit without saving, use `:q!`.

Why am I not able to write to a vim file but only delete?

There could be several reasons why you're only able to delete and not write in a Vim file. Here are a few possibilities:

1. **Read-Only Mode:** The file might be opened in read-only mode. If you see "[RO]" in the bottom line when you open the file, it is in read-only mode. Try opening the file with write permissions, using `:w!` in Vim to try to override this, or changing the file permissions with `chmod` in the terminal.

2. **Vim Mode:** Vim has several modes, including command mode, insert mode, and visual mode. If you're in command mode, you won't be able to insert text -- you'll only be able to enter commands. Press `i` to enter insert mode, which will allow you to insert text.

3. **File Permissions:** The file you're trying to edit might be write-protected, or you might not have write permissions for the file. If you're on a Unix-based system like Linux or macOS, you can use the command `ls -l filename` to check the file permissions, and `chmod +w filename` to add write permissions.

4. **Filesystem Permissions:** Similarly, the filesystem where the file resides might be mounted as read-only, or you might not have write permissions for the directory containing the file.

5. **Vim Settings:** There might be settings in your `.vimrc` file that are affecting your ability to edit files. Check the settings in this file to see if anything might be causing the issue.

If none of these solutions work, please provide more details about the issue you're facing so that I can give more targeted advice.
