Turing Machine Definition
A Turing machine is a mathematical model of computation that was invented by British mathematician Alan Turing in 1936. It is used in theoretical computer science and mathematical logic to define and explore the concept of "algorithm" or "mechanical procedure".
A Turing machine consists of:
1. An infinite tape: The tape is divided into cells, each of which can contain a symbol (for example, 0 or 1), or be blank. The tape is assumed to be infinitely long in both directions, but only a finite number of cells can contain symbols at any given moment; the rest of the tape is filled with blanks.
2. A tape head: This is the "read-write" device that moves along the tape, one cell at a time. It can read the symbol on the current cell, write a new symbol, or leave the cell blank.
3. A state register: This holds the current state of the Turing machine. The machine can be in one of a finite number of states at any given moment. This includes a special start state (which the machine is in when computation begins), and one or more halt states (which signal the end of the computation).
4. A set of transition functions: These define the behavior of the Turing machine. For each combination of current state and current cell symbol, the transition function specifies (a) what new symbol to write on the current cell (or whether to leave it blank), (b) what direction to move the tape head (left or right), and (c) what state to move into next.
Here is an example of how a Turing machine works:
Let's say our Turing machine starts in state A. The tape head is positioned on a cell containing the symbol 1. The transition function for (state A, symbol 1) might specify that the machine should:
- Write a 0 in the current cell
- Move the tape head one cell to the right
- Move into state B
The machine would then look at the symbol in the new cell and apply the transition function for (state B, new symbol).
This process continues until the machine enters a halt state. When this happens, the computation is considered finished. The sequence of symbols left on the tape is the output of the computation.
A key concept in Turing's model is the idea of universality. A universal Turing machine is one that can simulate any other Turing machine given a suitable input. This concept is fundamental to the theory of computation and is a precursor to the idea of a general-purpose computer.
It's important to note that while Turing machines are used extensively in theoretical work, they are not used in practice. Real-world computers have finite memory and do not operate exactly like Turing machines, but they are considered to be Turing-equivalent in that they can simulate a Turing machine within the limits of their memory.
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