Removing trash news feed from windows search bar


**Disable Bing Search integration** :

1. Press **Windows** key + **R** on your keyboard at the same time. This launches the **Run** prompt.

2. In **Run** prompt, type **regedit** and press **OK**.

3. Now, you’re going to see **User Account Control** window on your screen, which asks whether you want to allow the program to make changes on your system. Click **Yes**.

4. Now, use the left navigation pane to launch folders in the following order:

**HKEY\_CURRENT\_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Search**. Or, you could just copy and paste this line in the navigation bar in Windows Registry.

5. Now, **right-click** on **Search** folder, and select **New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.**

6. Now, name the created DWORD Value as **BingSearchEnabled**.

7. **Double-click** it to ensure it has a value of **0**. If you’re not familiar with technical terms, 0 means negative (false) and 1 means positive (true) value in IT. This is why BingSearchEnabled with value 0 means it is actually **disabled**.

8. Now, in the same Search folder, find a key named **CortanaConsent**. **Double-click** it and set its **value** to **0**. Click **OK** to confirm.

9. Close the Registry and restart your computer for changes to take effect. Your Windows search should be back to normal and no longer show blank results.
